Agna Elastic Bandage

Agna Healthcare has been committed to the R&D, production, and sales of a series of products for medication administration, enteral Feeding Set, blood sample collection, modern wound care, and surgical drainage, etc.


Agna Elastic Bandage


holding the foot in a normal standing position, begin wrapping at the ball of the foot moving from inside to outside. Wrap

2 or 3 times, moving towards the ankle, making sure to overlap the previous layer by one-half. Turn once

around the ankle below the skin. Continue wrapping in a figure-eight fashion, down over the arch and under

the foot overlapping each layer by one-half of the previous one. The last layer should rise above the ankle fastening



Holding the knee in a round standing position, begin wrapping below the knee circling 2 times around.Wrap in

a diagonal from behind the knee and around the leg in a figure-eight fashion,2 times, making sure to overlap the

previous layer by one-half. Next, make a circular turn just below the knee and continue wrapping upward

overlapping each layer by one-half of the previous one. Fasten above the knee. For the elbow, begin to wrap at

the elbow and continue as above.


Lower leg

Beginning just above the ankle, wrap in a circular motion 2 times. Continue up the leg in a circular motion

overlapping each layer by one-half of the previous one. Stop just under the knee and fasten. For the upper

leg, begin just above the knee and continue as above



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